Take Back the House 2018 Summit
Register for this Free Event at:
On-site registration will be available, but pre-summit registration is encouraged
to help with workshop planning and snacks.
Saturday, April 7, 2018
1:00 to 4:30 pm
Smith Vocational High School
80 Locust Street, Northampton
U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern will kick
off the Summit with an explanation of what’s
at stake and why the U.S. House matters
Organizers from NY and NH will discuss how
MA activists can help flip red seats and
preserve blue seats
Attend workshops, sign up for upcoming
TBTH events, and participate in a
coordinated planned action at the Summit
Join local activists and participate in interactive,
informational, and skill-building workshops that
will support our efforts to flip the U.S. House from
red to blue!
Summit Hosts
413 Staying Connected • Democratic Committees of Amherst, Easthampton, Holyoke, Northampton, Southampton, South
Hadley, and Northampton High School • Badass Activists in the Pioneer Valley • Indivisible Northampton • Pioneer Valley Resist
Coalition • Pioneer Valley Women's March • Progressive Democrats of America, Massachusetts • Sojourner Truth School for
Social Change Leadership • Swing Left • Valley Action • Western MA Young Democrats
Take Back the House 2018 Summit