Take Back the House 2018 Summit
Organized and hosted by 413 Staying Connected, the Democratic Committees of Amherst, Easthampton, Holyoke, Northampton, South Hadley, Southampton, Northampton High School, and Western MA Young Democrats, Badass Activists in the Pioneer Valley, Indivisible Northampton, Pioneer Valley Resist Coalition, Pioneer Valley Women’s March, Progressive Democrats of America-Massachusetts, Sojourner Truth School for Social Change Leadership, Swing Left Pioneer Valley, Valley Action
When: Saturday, April 7th from 1:00 - 4:30 pm
Where: Smith Vocational High School, 80 Locust St, Northampton
What: Join activists from the 413 area to help flip the US House! Hear from Congressman Jim McGovern, plus Dustin Reidy, leader of NY 19 Votes (a flippable district in eastern New York), and Tova Yampolsky, Campaign Chair for Annie Kuster, US Rep for New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District. Hear about the lay of the land--including flippable seats and seats to preserve--and the opportunities we have to create real change at the federal level. Participate in interactive informational and campaign skill-building workshops, engage in a post-card writing action, and sign up to help in nearby districts. Light snacks.
Registration: Pre-summit registration is encouraged to help with planning (and snacks), but on-site registration will be available. You can pre-register at https://tinyurl.com/yc9npj2t.
Tablers are invited. There is no charge, but please register in advance with Sam Hopper at samantha.e.hopper@gmail.com. Details about timing and location of tables will be provided the week before the summit.